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Essential Reminders for Avoiding Deer Collisions This Fall

As fall arrives, it's crucial to be aware of the increase in deer activity on the roads. With deer mating season and migration in full swing, drivers need to be extra vigilant. Here are some key reminders to help you stay safe while driving during this season.

Look for Deer Eyes at Night

One useful tip is to watch for the reflection of deer eyes in your headlights. This early warning can give you a fraction of a second more to react, potentially avoiding a collision. The eyeshine is often visible before you see the deer’s body, making it a valuable clue when driving after dark.

Be Extra Cautious During Dawn and Dusk

Deer are most active during dawn and dusk. During these times, it’s advisable to use your high beams when appropriate, which can help you spot deer from a greater distance. Being aware and prepared during these hours significantly reduces the risk of an accident.

Do Not Swerve

Swerving to avoid a deer can lead to losing control of your vehicle or crashing into another obstacle, which can be more dangerous than hitting the deer itself. It’s safer to brake and maintain a straight course. Modern cars are designed to handle frontal impacts more efficiently, thus reducing the risk of severe injuries.

Where There's One, There Are Usually More

If you see one deer, slow down and be vigilant. Deer often travel in groups, so spotting one may mean there are others nearby. Reducing your speed allows you more time to react if more deer cross your path.

Following these tips can help reduce the risk of a collision. Road safety is always important, but extra caution is warranted during the fall season due to heightened deer activity. By sharing these reminders with friends and family, we can all take proactive steps to stay safe.